Saturday, May 11, 2013

Once Upon A Time Potential Additions

Once Upon A Time
Potential Additions

Thinking Outside The Box

With the season finale of OUAT soon to be out of the way, what are we fans to do while we wait for season 3? To combat my boredom, I’ve compiled a list of characters, creatures, items and places I hope make an appearance on the show. I was trying to go grander and farther than ever before because a lot of people all want Thumbelina and The Little Mermaid to show up. No, since Dr. Frankenstein has been introduced, what other worlds can we delve into? I’ll list my choices and please feel free to add your own obscure but totally doable persons/places/things.


Merlin and Morgana Le Faye: Why not add two more magicians to the list? Morgana being evil could take the heat off of Regina and Gold, while Merlin could side with Snow, Charming and Emma.
Hercules: Yes, we have magic and we have science. I say we add mythology to the mix. Herc could fit right into the land of ridiculously good looking men.
Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde: Another villain. If we run out of villains the storyline wanes.  I’m sure a few murders might take place with this man on the loose.
The Frog Prince: He has yet to be mentioned. Even if it’s a cameo,  he should be in there somewhere.
Glenda the Good Witch: I can see her assisting the fairies with good magic. And for some reason, I can see her being killed. L
Paul Bunyan and his blue ox Babe:  American Folklore should be included. Legends start somewhere and who better to include than the man who could eat 50 pancakes in one minute, the man who dug a hole for his ox to drink from and it became one of the Great Lakes?


Pegasus: Flying horses have a rightful place in the show and could be quite useful.
Banshees:  Only because they’re freaking scary looking and  the CGI would look awesome.
The Yeti: Because trolls and ogres are getting old.
Cyclops: Same as above but with giants.


City of Atlantis: More places for them to portal! And I’m curious as to how they would write this. I only know of what I saw in the animated movie.
Oz: Well if we’re going to include Glenda we have to include her place. I see this as another Wonderland but freakier.
Mount Olympus: Where the gods roam; it’s a place to portal to get a cure or save someone.
Narnia: Am I reaching on this one? The more worlds we have the more adventures can take place.


The Fountain of Youth: I know we saw the healing waters, but why hasn’t this gem been mentioned?
The Sword in the Stone: Again an awesome addition to a storyline.

There has to be more that I’m missing. Any suggestions are more than welcome.

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